Long-Term Care Insurance
Americans are living longer — that’s great news. But, it also means that with extended retirement and medical needs, planning now for a long illness can help ensure that you will be able to preserve your assets, while maintaining control over key life decisions. As a long-term care insurance broker and trusted advisor, I have helped thousands of individuals choose long-term care insurance that will provide for their future needs. With the right long-term care insurance, you can avoid running out of funds, while preserving the value of your legacy.
Most of us want to stay in our own homes as long as possible. When the time comes where assistance may be needed with everyday tasks, such as showering, getting dressed or taking medications, it’s nice to have a choice. Long-term care insurance gives you the peace of mind that you can continue to manage your affairs — at home or in the residence of your choice — without placing an emotional or financial burden on your adult children.
The costs of long-term care needs can be very expensive, and they are not typically covered under basic health insurance, whether through an employer, an individual policy, Medicare or Medicaid. Long-term care insurance can provide valuable coverage for the costs associated with: home care, assisted living, adult daycare, hospice care, nursing homes and respite care.
To learn more about long-term care insurance options, please contact long-term care insurance broker Suzanne Schneider.